Community Networks at Red

We hope everyone is keeping safe and well. A reminder that Community Networks/LINK will continue to provide a service to all under the COVID-19 red traffic light setting. That means things are working a little differently from what you may be used to.

Wherever possible, please give our friendly team a call on 03 443 7799 to make an appointment before visiting us at the Wānaka Community Hub. 

If you have an appointment with us and do not hold a valid vaccine pass, you will be asked to wait on the far side of reception to ensure we can continue to welcome everyone safely. Please observe signage on the entrance to the Hub building.

We have increased cleaning of the building and rooms between appointments, set up perspex screens at the front desk and will have multiple doors and windows open whenever possible for ventilation.

Please continue to scan or sign in, wear a mask, and keep your distance from others. And of course, if you're unwell, have been to a location of interest in the last 14 days or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, please stay at home. 

If you need support, give us a call and we will provide assistance over the phone.

Finally, a reminder that vaccination continues to be our best defence against COVID-19. If it’s been at least four months since your second dose, you can now book your booster shot online at You'll also be able to book vaccination appointments for tamariki aged 5 to 11.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we manage an ever-changing situation. Noho ora mai.

Community Networks/LINK, your one-stop community support and connection centre.


Preparing for Omicron


Thank you, and Merry Christmas!